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About Me

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19 years old, harmless and single.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

too tired of shits....

seems like im losing friends easier than gaining them.i don't know.in 4 months, i already lost three friends.
1st- i have no idea why but he is not speaking to me.
2nd- the thing i said to his 'special one' made him angry thus not speak to me since then.
3rd- misunderstanding.a serious misunderstanding.

even though THREE seems like a small number but it made me as though i am a bad friend..ntah la.ak da pening tahap gampang ddk fikir psl bnd ni.

'1st friend' - ni, ak btul2 xtau ape ak wat sampai dy trus x tego ak smpi ke arini...dlu ak ade tego tp dy wat bodo je..kdg2 je dy balas..tu pn sepatah dua ngn nada monotone..and to make things worst, i am going to be living with him for 2 years..kwn2 lain yg serumah nnt ckp, dorg xtahan tgk ak ngn dy ni x bertego tp dorg xtau, ak lg xtahan..sbb tulah kdg2 ak sampai xmkn ngn dak2 ni sbb dy ade..bkn ak xnk mkn ngn dy..tp nnt dy akan borak2 ngn yg lain, oleh sbb dy x lyn ak,ak pn ddk kt ujung cam org bodo..rse cam mkn dlm blik je..n dak2 kos ak plak ckp ak yg slh..ak btul2 xtau ape ak wat atau ter-buat sampai jd cmni..but if he want it to be like this till we get the fuck out of UMT, then it is up to him..cam mak ak ckp, kte xleh wat org ske kat kte..at least i've tried to patch things up.

'2nd friend' - him,his girl and i are in the same course..i got close with his girl before he and her got together..with her i feel comfortable because i can tell her anything and she won't judge me..it's nice to have someone like that as a friend..i am even close with him before all of this went down..it all went down to the interview questions in facebook. soklan tu tny " would siti(bkn nme sbnr) ever make you(me) cry?" i answered "no,she would never make me cry". she replied saying btul2..then came the taboo word...the following convo went on like so;
Khalis Yusof : sayang siti.hehe
Abu(bkn nme sbnr) : terlajak perahu boleh undur, terlajak kata2 membawa padah
Khalis Yusof : ok,ak mtk maaf la.
the day after, the cold treatment began and hasn't stop..i know what i said(sayang siti) sounds wrong to you people but it was purely meant that i sayang her as a friend.tlg la..kalau kaw kwn ak, and kaw ade awek...xkan la ak nk rampas awek kaw..cbe fikir btul2..i have never once in my life stolen a girl from anyone, yet stole a girl from my friend.i would never, ever do such disgraceful thing..

'3rd friend' - won't even talk about it.both parties was at fault.

1 comment:

The morning dew said...

wtf babe
can i pls say this, im so tempted.
KAMPONG gila pemikiran.
sayang siti pon nk kecoh. eee i cant accept all this narrow minded people lah khalis.