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19 years old, harmless and single.

Friday, December 11, 2009

what to do,its the past.

i am like so upset over my results,org ckp ok lah result yg i dpt ni.i mean i know it is ok but its way off what i had hoped of getting in the middle of the sem.and to make things worst, the subject that i thought i would do well in,well,i didn't.it was the only lecture that had taken any slight interest in me(thanks to Dr. Faridah for that),i didn't sleep during her lectures,i sit infront and i studied a lot for it.i was even confident when i was answering her paper.seriously,it was the only paper when i left the exam hall,i felt confident.but it seems that it wasn't enough.felt dumb even.

and kepada yang dpt 3pointer ke atas,tlg la bersyukur.even if tak dpt dekan pn it is still 3pointer.try and be alil empathy and think of those who got less than 3.try not to gloat around them cos just so you know,it is a sucky feeling.don't say how upset you are for not getting dekan cos that is another thing which might upset them.

1 comment:

uncle sam said...

try harder for new semester bro